Haïti :Le PIB a-t-il réellement chuté de seulement 4,2 % en 2024 ?

Are IHSI's GDP Numbers Understated? A Critical Perspective On December 28, 2024, Haiti’s Institut Haïtien de Statistique et d’Informatique (IHSI) announced a GDP contraction of -4.2% for the year 2024 [1]. While this represents a significant decline, particularly as Haiti marks its sixth consecutive year of negative growth, the figure is markedly lower than the dire projections made earlier in the year, which estimated a 10% GDP reduction due to escalating gang violence and economic collapse. This discrepancy raises critical questions about the accuracy of the IHSI’s calculations and whether the true extent of Haiti’s economic crisis is being underestimated. The Projection vs. Reported Reality In April 2024, we estimated that the direct and indirect costs of gang violence alone amounted to $1.53 billion in 2023, equivalent to nearly 10% of Haiti's GDP. These calculations encompassed the value of lost lives, medical expenses, ransoms, productivity losses, heightened security e...