Politique étrangère des États-Unis : À quoi pourrait ressembler une seconde présidence Trump envers Haïti
How a Second-Term Trump Foreign Policy Would Impact Haiti By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson (Le Francais suit) The reelection of Donald Trump as President of the United States would have profound implications for U.S. foreign policy globally, with unique challenges and implications for Haiti. Trump’s second term, characterized by an even more assertive "America First" approach, would likely emphasize transactional diplomacy, and potentially reconfigure U.S. relations with Haiti. Trump's administration could focus less on traditional development aid and more on security issues, aligning its policies towards reducing illegal migration and narcotics flow, while deprioritizing democracy-building efforts that prior administrations championed. This shift could affect Haiti's stability and socio-economic development in complex ways. Prioritizing Security over Development and Democracy One of the primary concerns of a Trump administration would be border security and i