Haïti: L' Ironie des Troupes Kényanes sur le Sol de l'Indépendance

Haiti: The Irony of Kenyan Troops in the Land of Independence By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson ( Le Français suit ) Introduction The arrival of Kenyan troops in Haiti on June 25 has generated mixed reactions among the Haitian population. This intervention, led by the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, is seen by some as a beacon of hope, while others view it as a painful reminder of the nation's inability to solve its own problems. It is ironic that forces from a country that gained independence over 150 years after Haiti are now deploying on the soil of Dessalines. This deployment highlights the challenges and opportunities the country faces. Public Reactions Hope and Expectations For many Haitians, the arrival of the MSS represents a chance to restore peace and security in areas plagued by violence. Residents of popular neighborhoods, regularly terrorized by armed gangs, see this intervention as a long-awaited opportunity. A displaced person from Bel-Air states...