
Affichage des articles du juin, 2024

Haïti: L' Ironie des Troupes Kényanes sur le Sol de l'Indépendance

  Haiti: The Irony of Kenyan Troops in the Land of Independence By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson ( Le Français suit ) Introduction The arrival of Kenyan troops in Haiti on June 25 has generated mixed reactions among the Haitian population. This intervention, led by the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, is seen by some as a beacon of hope, while others view it as a painful reminder of the nation's inability to solve its own problems. It is ironic that forces from a country that gained independence over 150 years after Haiti are now deploying on the soil of Dessalines. This deployment highlights the challenges and opportunities the country faces. Public Reactions Hope and Expectations For many Haitians, the arrival of the MSS represents a chance to restore peace and security in areas plagued by violence. Residents of popular neighborhoods, regularly terrorized by armed gangs, see this intervention as a long-awaited opportunity. A displaced person from Bel-Air states...

Exigence de Transparence et de Réforme dans la Diplomatie Haïtienne: Passer de la Parole aux Actes

Demand for Transparency and Reform in Haitian Diplomacy: From Words to Action By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson ( Le Français suit ) Introduction Haitian diplomacy has been marred by scandals of corruption, nepotism, and incompetence, as exposed by the media outlet Rezo Nòdwès. Minister Dupuy has recently taken concrete steps to reform and restore the integrity of Haitian diplomacy. Measures Taken by Minister Dupuy 1.     Administrative Documentation and Monitoring : The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been ordered to conduct a rigorous re-evaluation of the documentation for diplomatic and contractual personnel in its missions. This includes submitting lists of personnel, job descriptions, identity documents, CVs, diplomas, and signed attendance sheets. 2.     Revocation of Unqualified Diplomats : Several diplomats appointed based on favoritism will be recalled and revoked without delay. After evaluating the profiles and performances of the diplomatic personne...

Les Kenyans Débarquent: Défis et Opportunités à Venir

    The Kenyans are Landing: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson ( Le Français suit ) Introduction As Prime Minister Garry Conille is starting his third week in office, the arrival of the first wave of the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, scheduled for June 25, brings hope and skepticism[1]. The mission, designed with U.S. support and authorized by the United Nations, aims to relieve a nation besieged by violence and political instability. However, with the Haitian gang leader Barbecue (Jimmy Cherizier) recently vowing to open dialogue with the Conille government to avoid death or justice, the complexities of this intervention have only increased[2]. This article examines the formidable challenges facing the MSS mission and its potential impact on Haiti’s security landscape. Operational Challenges 1.     Shifting Gang Alliances and United Front Haiti’s gang landscape is dominated by the “Viv Ansamm...