
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2024

Nouvo Manifeste Appel du Lambi: Vwa Pèp Ayisyen an, Men sa Nou Vle!

   Envitasyon Piblik: Swiv Emisyon Invite du Jour sou Manifeste Appel du Lambi Vèsyon 2024 Apre Manifeste Praslin an 1842, yon lòt gwoup Ayisyen ak Ayisyèn, k ap viv nan peyi a tankou lòt bò dlo, deside pwodui yon nouvo manifès kote yo eksprime oswa trase gwo liy sa ki ta dwe fèt an Ayiti. Manifeste sa a kapab konsidere kòm yon dokiman ki di “ men sa nou vle ”. Grégory Sicard ki te kolabore avèk lòt moun nan kolektif pwodiksyon manifès la, te patisipe nan emisyon Invite du Jour ak Marie Lucie Bonhomme Lundi Lundi 29 jwiyè sa a. Yo te prezante manifeste la an rezime, epi yo te endike kijan moun kapab jwenn li. Yo te diskite sou estrateji pou pote sekirite ak konbat koripsyon nan peyi a. Nou envite tout moun pou swiv emisyon sa a, pou konprann objektif manifeste la epi pou patisipe nan mouvman sa a ki ap chache chanjman pozitif pou peyi nou an. Klike sou lyen  YouTube ki anba yo pou tande ak gade emisyon an:   YouTube: An n met tèt ansanm pou

Qu'avez-vous fait de ma ville? Qu'en dirait l'illustre Georges Corvington

  What Have You Done to My City? What would  the illustrious Georges Corvington  say By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson   (le français suit) Port-au-Prince, over the years, is a rich collection bequeathed to posterity by the illustrious Georges Corvington. From Port-au-Prince over the Years: The Colonial City and Revolutionary Convulsions, 1743-1789 to The Capital of Haiti under American Occupation, 1915-1934 , passing through Under the Assaults of the Revolution: 1789-1804 and The Haitian Metropolis of the 19th Century: 1804-1888 , the historian takes the reader by the hand and makes them travel through the Port-au-Prince of yesteryear. In seven volumes of history, Georges Corvington, born on November 6, 1926, in Port-au-Prince, confides extensively about this capital that he held close to his heart all his life. Corvington presented the city, its population, its geography, its customs, its cultural practices, and its codes. As an observer and social historian, he captured with rare

L’Échec Sécuritaire lors de l’Attaque contre le Convoi du Premier Ministre Garry Conille

    The Security Failure in the Attack on Prime Minister Garry Conille’s Convoy By Patrick Prézeau Stephenson   (le français suit) On Monday, July 29, 2024, an audacious attack on Prime Minister Garry Conille’s convoy in the vicinity of Haiti’s central hospital underscored a significant security lapse. Despite the quick and commendable response from the Haitian forces and the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) troops, which ensured the Prime Minister's safe evacuation, the incident highlights glaring deficiencies in the operational planning and execution of security measures. This failed coup arises as a recent opinion survey reveals strong support for extreme security measures to eradicate terrorist gangs in Haiti [1]. The Importance of Proactive Security Measures In any high-risk environment, particularly in regions plagued by gang violence such as Haiti, proactive and comprehensive security measures are paramount. The primary responsibility of ensuring the

Au-delà des Statistiques Descriptives : Exploration des Relations entre les Variables Clés de l'Enquête sur les Gangs en Haïti.

  Au-delà des Statistiques Descriptives : Exploration des Relations entre les Variables Clés de l'Enquête sur les Gangs en Haïti. Par Patrick Prézeau Stephenson Dans cet article, nous interprétons les résultats des analyses de corrélation effectuées sur un ensemble de données de l’enquête sur les gangs en Haiti [1]. L'objectif était d'explorer les relations entre diverses variables démographiques et de perception. Voici un résumé des résultats : 1. Âge et Perception de l'Impact de la Violence des Gangs (Corrélation de Pearson) Résumé des résultats : Coefficient de corrélation (r) : 0,125 p-value : 0,551 Intervalle de confiance à 95 % : [-0,284, 0,496] Interprétation : L'analyse de corrélation de Pearson entre l'âge et la perception de l'impact de la violence des gangs sur la vie quotidienne a donné un coefficient de corrélation de 0,125. Cela indique une très faible corrélation positive, suggérant que